New Listings - Every 1 Min ? MLS properties and information provided herein is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed by the Hawaii Information Service, Inc. Listing Service.
1 - 15 of 250
Total 356 Big Island Condos - 15 loaded
New Listings - Every 1 Min ?MLS properties and information provided herein is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed by the Hawaii Information Service, Inc. Listing Service.
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We exclude Leasehold data from this market analysis because Leasehold properties do not compare with regular Fee Simple properties.
We use median instead of the average because it depicts more accurately a central tendency to the sample size. Example: Take 5 numbers - 3, 5, 7, 9, 21. The median is 7 (the middle number) and the average is 9 (sum of all divided by 5).
We count days on market from listing date through closing date.