Hawaii Living

51 Honolulu Home Neighborhoods:
Price / Ft²

This page ranks Honolulu’s single-family home neighborhoods by price / ft² and also includes median land & house size for each neighborhood. We have a similar page for Honolulu condos, which you can see right here.


The data on this page is automatically updated once per day (just before 7am - Hawaii time - to be exact), keeping the results relevant and current. It is organized by the most expensive single-family home neighborhoods listed at the top. If you want to understand our methodology and how we came up with the results, then click here to read on.


Getting a sense how expensive a given neighborhood is relative to other neighborhoods can be helpful in assessing overall values within a neighborhood and, on another level, it is additional insight that may help shape one’s understanding and opinion of a neighborhood. We therefore decided to put this list together, calculating price / ft² of all Honolulu’s single-family home neighborhoods. We also included the median land and house size for each neighborhood.


Note: The findings are not meant to be helpful in determining a fair market value of a specific house. Why? Because there can be significant spreads in price / ft² for different houses within the same neighborhood. For instance, some houses with spectacular ocean views or significant upgrades may sell for much higher price / ft² relative to homes without ocean views or upgrades.


Price / Ft² Formula
  1. We take the average price / ft² of all homes sold in a neighborhood over the past 1 year (365 days).
  2. We take the median price / ft² of all listings in a given neighborhood that are active and in escrow (under contract).
    Median is the middle point of a sample size and it reduces the impact an overpriced unit can have on skewing results.


    A single-family home neighborhood has 5 listings that are either active or in escrow, with the following listing prices: $1.4M, 1.8M, 1.9M, $2.0M, $5.4M.
    The median listing price is $1,900,000 (the middle point), whereas the average listing price is $2,500,000.
  3. We place ⅔ weight on sold homes and ⅓ weight on active and in escrow listings.
    In other words, we believe, in more cases than not, sold prices do a 'better job' at depicting current market values than active and in escrow listings.


    1 year of sold homes, average price / ft² = $900.
    Current active & in escrow listings, median price / ft² = $1,200.
    Price / ft² = $1,000. Calculated as {(2 x $900) + $1,200} / 3.
PS! If a neighborhood does not have a single data point based on our approach - that means, a neighborhood does not have a single home that is either active, in escrow or sold within the past 1 year - then you will see the writing “No data” below the neighborhood name. 


Calculation Limitations
No matter the approach, there are limitations in calculating the most reasonable or ‘fair’ price / ft² for any given neighborhood:
  1. Sold data: Is prices actually paid, great! However, if the market has moved since such sales - up or down - the data becomes less relevant.
  2. Active & in escrow listings: If homes are listed at prices higher than market values, which is not uncommon, the data becomes less relevant.
  3. Limited data points: If a neighborhood only has a few data points or even a total lack or either active listings or sold data, the significance of our results may become less relevant.
House Size Formula
Each neighborhood has a line called “Homes” and that represents the median interior house size for such neighborhood. Our results are derived from using all listings that are active and in escrow as well as sold homes, until we have a total of 50 data points, although the maximum we go back in time to collect data, based on sold homes, is 10 years, even if we don't reach a total of 50 data points. 


Example 1
A neighborhood has 7 active listings, 4 in escrow and 17 homes that have sold within the past 10 years. We use the size of these 28 homes to calculate the median house size for the neighborhood.


Example 2
B neighborhood has 9 active listings, 7 in escrow and within the past 10 years 72 homes have sold. 88 homes (9 + 7 + 72) is more than the 50 max data points we use and we therefore only use the 34 most recently sold homes so we get to a total of 50 data points (9 + 7 + 34).


Land Size Formula
For each neighborhood we have a line called “Land” and that represents the median land size for such neighborhood. Just like the 'House Size Formula', the results are derived from using all listings that are active and In escrow as well as sold homes, until we have a total of 50 data points, although the maximum we go back in time to collect data, based on sold homes, is 10 years, even if we don't reach a total of 50 data points.




Fun fact: Based on our data – last updated February 18, 2025 - the average price / ft² for a single-family home in Honolulu is $911, the average land size is 8,464 ft² and the average home size is 2,634 ft².
  • 1. Aina Haina Beach

    Price: $1,819 / ft²

    Land: 7,644 ft²

    Homes: 1,932 ft²

  • 2. Wailupe Beach

    Price: $1,476 / ft²

    Land: 12,138 ft²

    Homes: 3,115 ft²

  • 3. Black Point

    Price: $1,359 / ft²

    Land: 8,234 ft²

    Homes: 3,189 ft²

  • 4. Diamond Head

    Price: $1,337 / ft²

    Land: 10,006 ft²

    Homes: 3,436 ft²

  • 5. Kai Nani

    Price: $1,330 / ft²

    Land: 14,006 ft²

    Homes: 3,915 ft²

  • 6. Paiko Lagoon

    Price: $1,253 / ft²

    Land: 10,000 ft²

    Homes: 2,592 ft²

  • 7. Portlock

    Price: $1,226 / ft²

    Land: 13,246 ft²

    Homes: 2,980 ft²

  • 8. Niu Beach

    Price: $1,178 / ft²

    Land: 11,361 ft²

    Homes: 3,137 ft²

  • 9. Kahala

    Price: $1,124 / ft²

    Land: 10,726 ft²

    Homes: 2,723 ft²

  • 10. Waialae Golf Course

    Price: $1,124 / ft²

    Land: 11,223 ft²

    Homes: 2,812 ft²

  • 11. Koko Villas

    Price: $1,122 / ft²

    Land: 7,076 ft²

    Homes: 2,541 ft²

  • 12. Kealaula Kai

    Price: $1,068 / ft²

    Land: 7,817 ft²

    Homes: 1,740 ft²

  • 13. West Marina

    Price: $1,008 / ft²

    Land: 6,000 ft²

    Homes: 2,178 ft²

  • 14. Waialae Nui

    Price: $966 / ft²

    Land: 7,754 ft²

    Homes: 1,621 ft²

  • 15. Waialae Iki

    Price: $935 / ft²

    Land: 9,774 ft²

    Homes: 2,835 ft²

  • 16. Koko Head Terrace

    Price: $929 / ft²

    Land: 5,561 ft²

    Homes: 1,548 ft²

  • 17. Kahala Kua

    Price: $919 / ft²

    Land: 14,036 ft²

    Homes: 2,930 ft²

  • 18. Hawaii Loa Ridge

    Price: $903 / ft²

    Land: 10,251 ft²

    Homes: 3,770 ft²

  • 19. Queens Gate

    Price: $893 / ft²

    Land: 7,201 ft²

    Homes: 2,041 ft²

  • 20. Aina Haina

    Price: $891 / ft²

    Land: 8,210 ft²

    Homes: 1,662 ft²

  • 21. Pacific Heights

    Price: $885 / ft²

    Land: 7,634 ft²

    Homes: 2,175 ft²

  • 22. Mariners Cove

    Price: $881 / ft²

    Land: 7,648 ft²

    Homes: 1,989 ft²

  • 23. Mariners Valley

    Price: $874 / ft²

    Land: 5,874 ft²

    Homes: 1,704 ft²

  • 24. Mariners Ridge

    Price: $869 / ft²

    Land: 8,913 ft²

    Homes: 2,094 ft²

  • 25. Kamehame Ridge

    Price: $868 / ft²

    Land: 11,836 ft²

    Homes: 2,395 ft²

  • 26. Anchorage

    Price: $866 / ft²

    Land: 7,796 ft²

    Homes: 2,408 ft²

  • 27. Laulima

    Price: $857 / ft²

    Land: 4,334 ft²

    Homes: 1,642 ft²

  • 28. Napali Haweo

    Price: $852 / ft²

    Land: 13,087 ft²

    Homes: 3,218 ft²

  • 29. Kamilo Nui

    Price: $842 / ft²

    Land: 8,098 ft²

    Homes: 2,994 ft²

  • 30. Manoa

    Price: $834 / ft²

    Land: 7,530 ft²

    Homes: 2,139 ft²

  • 31. St. Louis Heights

    Price: $830 / ft²

    Land: 6,000 ft²

    Homes: 1,464 ft²

  • 32. Luna Kai

    Price: $807 / ft²

    Land: 8,125 ft²

    Homes: 2,160 ft²

  • 33. Niu Valley

    Price: $805 / ft²

    Land: 7,738 ft²

    Homes: 1,821 ft²

  • 34. Dowsett

    Price: $791 / ft²

    Land: 10,006 ft²

    Homes: 2,029 ft²

  • 35. Makiki

    Price: $783 / ft²

    Land: 7,117 ft²

    Homes: 2,098 ft²

  • 36. Wilhelmina Rise

    Price: $779 / ft²

    Land: 5,708 ft²

    Homes: 1,791 ft²

  • 37. Kahala Puupanini

    Price: $774 / ft²

    Land: 5,093 ft²

    Homes: 2,174 ft²

  • 38. Kapahulu

    Price: $768 / ft²

    Land: 4,750 ft²

    Homes: 1,775 ft²

  • 39. Kalama Valley

    Price: $753 / ft²

    Land: 5,887 ft²

    Homes: 1,804 ft²

  • 40. Kaimuki

    Price: $729 / ft²

    Land: 5,000 ft²

    Homes: 1,760 ft²

  • 41. Nuuanu

    Price: $709 / ft²

    Land: 6,101 ft²

    Homes: 1,912 ft²

  • 42. Hahaione

    Price: $701 / ft²

    Land: 7,840 ft²

    Homes: 2,001 ft²

  • 43. Kamiloiki

    Price: $691 / ft²

    Land: 6,410 ft²

    Homes: 1,564 ft²

  • 44. Tantalus

    Price: $691 / ft²

    Land: 27,066 ft²

    Homes: 2,404 ft²

  • 45. Salt Lake Honolulu & Moanalua

    Price: $688 / ft²

    Land: 6,371 ft²

    Homes: 1,819 ft²

  • 46. Palolo

    Price: $665 / ft²

    Land: 5,182 ft²

    Homes: 1,301 ft²

  • 47. Kuliouou

    Price: $661 / ft²

    Land: 9,520 ft²

    Homes: 1,754 ft²

  • 48. Spinnaker Isle

    Price: $654 / ft²

    Land: 7,998 ft²

    Homes: 2,218 ft²

  • 49. Alewa Heights & Kam Heights

    Price: $595 / ft²

    Land: 5,487 ft²

    Homes: 1,888 ft²

  • 50. Kalihi

    Price: $569 / ft²

    Land: 5,065 ft²

    Homes: 1,567 ft²

  • 51. Punchbowl

    Price: $547 / ft²

    Land: 4,200 ft²

    Homes: 1,789 ft²

Disclaimer: Please do not rely on the information on this page to make a decision to purchase or sell real estate. Always consult with a professional prior to making any decisions.